Tuesday, 9 February 2010

Neary there...

The chassis now has the lubrication system, the front cross member and the rear springs still in place.
(Items such as the torque bars for the front suspension, have been removed and their assembly will be covered later)
I spent quite a long time mapping the route of the lubrication system in order to be able to replace the pipework - even though there was no intention at this stage to re-connect it as the various points will be serviced by grease nipples instead. There is quite a lot of 1/8" copper pipe here! over 60 feet, all culminating on the right hand front inner chassis, where the six lines connect to the lubrication pump mounted on the sump.

Ok this is a bit of a cheat, this has jumped ahead somewhat, but at least its now clean and clear so that you can see the new pipework in place leading to the unions that take the pipes from the lubrication pump. Its all looking good though don't you think?

Also in the photograph, you can see the front cross member which needs to be removed, four of the eight castle nuts can be seen, the bolts draw through the aluminium block that the steering arm pivots mount on to, and then through the chassis, and the two plates that mount the front suspension.

1 comment:

  1. Such a nice peice of information. Summed up all the things in a perfect way.
    grease chassis


All interested comments much appreciated, especially from those who have experience restoring the V12 engine.